To Whom it May Concern

To Whom it may concern,

You, yes you, you know who you are. I’m talking to you. You who inspired some of my favorite stories, you are the muse that Tolkien, Glenn Cook, Raymond Fiest, Frank Herbert and if you’re into that kind of sadistic George R.R. Martin, in fact all the great fantasy authors of decades past would have worshiped at the feet of.

Where did you go? Why have you left us all stranded without that feeling of wonder and imagination from way back when? To tell you the truth you and that feeling are what hooked me into writing my own stories. I wanted my readers to have that same feeling or wonder, or to be challenged into thought the way those writers challenged a girl of 15. I will admit that fantasy wasn’t my first genre, and before I picked them up, it was harlequin and Mills and Boons and V.C. Andrews that had me, but they were just things to pass the time, they didn’t inspire the same way fantasy novels did.

While we are at it, neither do those new fangled fantasy books either, being all full of dark dark dark humor, horror and logic set in this place as if the very fields of imagination from which new worlds sprang have all been leached and have thus been left fallow. With deep overtones of the dry, sarcastic, cynicism that has doomed this world to be quantified by an endless stream of derogatory outbursts by the new social alphas, the internet trolls. No more are the gates of the imagination flung open by authors who rely on magic and whimsy, instead we are bored with scientific justifications for the wondrous things that occur, when all we want is a thrill and not a how-to manual.

I guess what I’m saying is that the genre no longer provides the escape that it used to.No new ideas coming forward really and when they are they are so few and far between it leaves little in the way of hope. No longer are we transported to world and societies so dissimilar to our own that we are forced out of our comfort zone and into the shoes of someone else, to think and feel like we aren’t able and therefor to find and develop ideas that might change the doldrums that is real life.


It’s almost like the Fantasy Authors Union,(Is there such a thing?) all sold out to the political machine and instead of trying to inspire us to change the world, they want us all to conform to it. By now I know you are gasping in horror Dear Muses. After all that time you spent whispering in the ears of all those logical men to make them birth fields like psychology and sociology to have the fount from which their facts spring dry up as we all become Zombies totally accepting of the status quo as dictated by the oppressive bodies we are forcibly deluded into thinking we have the power to choose by casting a vote.

You see muse? This is what I am trying to say. That feeling, that whimsy,that innocence, that out of this worldly experience that can only be gotten in a blanket fort with a flashlight and a book, a fantasy book, is all but gone. Muse, I’m begging you to come back, to commune with and inspire the new writers, so that those who come after us aren’t just balls of hate and hopelessness.

I know it’s a lot to ask, and a whole lot to place on your mythical little shoulders, but it’s what made my teen into early adulthood great, those forays into epicness played out in my mind’s eye as I read David Eddings, and Robert Jordan, and David Gemmell and Anne McCaffery, even Robin Hobb to name a few more.

So please come back, please, please, please. I’ll even dance a moon lit ditty around a fire in a shire ore the way, in tribute to you if you do.


Hungry for new Ideas and old feelings.

8 thoughts on “To Whom it May Concern

  1. This is a great post that clearly articulates my frustration with many of the fantasy books on the market today. I too fell in love with fantasy novels as a teenager and I have noticed the lack you speak of in current fantasy novels save for a few exceptions, (Michael J Sullivan for one). I started writing fantasy (in my head but not on paper) from very young. Finding McCaffrey, Lackey, Jordan, et al, opened my eyes to the fact that other people liked reading (playing) in imaginary worlds. Soon they’ll read (and play) in mine. I hope they find what originally attracted them to the genre in the first place because I feel it when I reread (edit) my work. I don’t write like GRRM; I don’t write like the popular fantasy genre books. I’m not trying to break a mold. I write what I like and I like Tolkien, some Jordan, McCaffrey, Lackey and many others who wrote in the genre’s infancy when it was still trying to define itself; when it was full of wonder and beauty for its own sake; before it grew up into a dystopian wasteland where each page adds a new layer of grit until the story is so dark that by the end you need a vodka chaser and a medal for finishing that page.


    1. You see what I love about your writing is that you are totally unique. You do things that remind me of them, but like them you have a voice that is to totally yours that nobody else can come between. It forges a kind of personal connection with your readers. I know what you mean about those chasers though, the genre is in serious trouble.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aw, Thank you. Yes about the genre going downhill and in addition to that, I’d like to strangle the person who decided that zombie fiction counted as fantasy. It should be racked (digitally and physically) in horror. It’s not fantasy. Yet it has muscled its way into that genre.


      2. exactly! Vampire fiction too shouldn’t be part of fantasy. Lots of romances are also creeping in too. I could go on and on about the stuff lumped in where it doesn’t belong.


  2. Couldn’t agree more. But there are still a few folks around who get that wonder of childhood found. S. Thomas Summers’ poetry about dragons and trolls, etc. tickles my child’s heart to death and leaves me in a state of wonderment at times where I don’t need explanations. Been trying to encourage him to write a fantasy book! If you’ve never any of his poetry you might like it. I just bought two of his books about the Civil War told in poetry form. They’re great.


    1. I remember you told me about him, His civil war books are in my Amazon cart, but there are literally scores of books there that I need to get to. But that’s just the thing, finding authors who do that is so rare of late. I want that age back, what me and the Chief call the age of creativity, especially as a teacher it kills me to watch our collective
      imagination dying.


Any thoughts?