Back to real life

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It’s January 5th, the beginning of the second term of the new year and here I am. Back on my day job. And for the first time in my long teaching life I’m not mourning.  It may have something to do with this new positive outlook I’ve got, seeing possibilities everywhere.

But this term, I’m feeling quite relaxed. I’ve even had my first class of the day. Now one might thing , “What has she got to be stressed or not stressed about, she just got off vacation.” and I can understand where that thought might come from, but today is the first day and there are already assignments to be graded, there are lesson plans and unit plans in the works,there are teacher assessments on the horizon and kids oh the kids. All energized from three weeks of not having to think about school. Energy that they have already began to plot to use to cause endless torment.

Never the less, I’m back in the real life that is my day job. And for once not dreading the next 13 weeks. My only hope is that the rest of the teaching faculty here in paradise and abroad have a cool rest of the school year.

2 thoughts on “Back to real life

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