Eeeeep!!!! It’s gone Live!!!!!!

There’s a moment when, as a writer you begin to think about publishing work. You think about people reading and appreciating your work, treating you with the kind of fangirl regard you give your favorite authors. The dream is awesome.

So you set to work, the ideas are there battling to get out of you. You research all your options, and pick one. For me it was the Indie route. Inspired by the vast indie author community out there, one I was turned on to through blogging, and the fact that well if you wave the concept of being independent and in control of my destiny in front of me , i’m more often than not there.

I did my Breakfast club fist pump and wrote like I had never done before. To themes, to deadlines, stories with words by the thousands. And Voila, I had one completed work, read, re-read, edited, proof read, beta read, formatted and ready. Beep breath…time to do this.


Now taking A Lover, by Michelle Toussaint. A collection of poems chronicling the journey from spurned lover to finding love. With a few detours through a lover or two. Available on Amazon as a print book or for Kindle.

But you see what they don’t tell you is the other stuff. Yeah it’s all great to see your name up there, but it’s not enough. You are now a brand, you’ve got to promote, and promote, you are now the owner of a business and all the things that come with. Sigh…

Lucky for my, my life is full of cool people. Who encourage and encourage. One of them, a cousin of mine, also and indie Author, By the name of Kimolisa Mings even set me up with home work, I kid you not. About 3 books on how to be a successful Indie Author, and more material and and advice when she can. Yep…like is good. It’s gone live…but that’s just the beginning.

8 thoughts on “Eeeeep!!!! It’s gone Live!!!!!!

      1. ❤ Will read and review.

        Hope you get a chance to check out mine as well – I'm going to be actively working to reduce the cost of Erotic's Kindle version soon to match the cost of Seduction 🙂

        I posted a link to my current main project – my first novel – in the Expressions group 🙂

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