Public Service Announcement

Hello everyone. I know I’ve been a bit distant, but there have been a number of personal issues that have not allowed for me blogging. It happens to all of us I guess, so I know you all understand and being the kind, gracious, and welcoming folks you are, won’t think too badly of me.

That period of doom, was followed by the death of my beloved hard drive. Ouch. With it, it took the draft of my, as yet unpublished book, my unfinished and unpublished poetry, my lesson and unit plans, archived school work, my photo-fiction photo line-up and well, all the notes I had made for drafts to the blogs. It sucks and it’s all my fault for not backing up to the cloud.

It is as yet unclear, though I’m not very hopeful, if any of it can be recovered at all. So…well…that is that.

So as I try to reconcile the loss, and try to pick through the wreckage of my tattered psyche, I am trying to fall into a routine where I can dedicate a little more of myself to writing, to these blogs, and to rebuilding the shambles of my embryonic writing career and adolescent teaching addiction.

That’s basically where I’m at. Where are you? Tell me something good, please. So I can live your joy, vicariously through you.

14 thoughts on “Public Service Announcement

  1. This is terrible news. I really feel for you, and hope that something can be salvaged.
    You ask for good news, and I have some. Although it’s early days, my son is doing well. He’s clean from drugs . When he was using he became painfully thin and sat around groaning, and complaining about his health, whenever he wasn’t passed out on the sofa. Now he has put on weight and he spends a lot of time cooking for me and putting my flat in order.

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  2. Noooooooo!!! I can’t even imagine the pain! I hope something is recovered. Fingers and toes crossed for you, Michelle.

    My good news? Two of my poems were published by a magazine in December. My first published poems ever! After 3 or 4 years of trying! Of course, my glad-bag buss 🙂

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  3. Oh Michelle… What a horrible loss. It makes you feel like half your life is gone, I’m guessing. It’s actually kind of like mourning a person, I would think. Big hugs to you, girlfriend. So your manuscript is all gone bye-bye now? 😮 {{{Michelle}}} (You can celebrate my finally getting my bedroom window replaced after a year of being broken… I know, lame.)

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  4. Oh no! I hope this twisted fate will wind you around to better things. Been distracted too but that has allowed me to enjoy and learn some other things. I’ve obsessively been working on designing a garden. It was laid bare and to waste with problems it never had by a landscaper who was trying to do something simple. It was a nightmare. Sounds like caviar problems, but it was crucial to nearly causing a divorce, muddy paws flying through the house, and more. Now there will soon be peace and beauty again. Once I just rolled up my sleeves and got at the problem there was something satisfying in even the smallest efforts like moving a pot around to get the right color balance or sun. I see the future garden, and it is so much more than the bare bones I am laying now and soon. I am hoping I can channel this creation back into writing today. Good luck with your resurrection of lost writing.

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    1. What I wouldn’t give for a lovely garden, a place to just sit and be still and quiet and let some of this out. I envy your caviar problems at this stage in my life, where I wonder if I will ever get there. But at least I can live them vicariously through you. So thank you so much for giving me something to daydream about.

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      1. You and me both. I spend way too much time online looking at other people’s gardens. Dream big I say! If you e-mail me where you think “there” needs to be and what is in the way, I will be happy to coach you for free. The catch is, I am not 24/7 responsive at this time because of other projects but need to keep my skills up. Have a great day.


      2. Hun where I live there is no such thing as a 24/7 anything. But I thank you very humbly for the offer which I will be taking you up on. I think I’ve reached the point where I’m grown enough to know when I need help. Is your email address on your blog?

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