Photo-Fiction #5

Hey there, presenting this weeks Photo Prompt for Photo-Fiction Challenge #5.


Can you tell her story as a work of Flash Fiction? Write a fictional piece of no more than 300 words. You pick your poison, poetry or story. Please don’t forget to link back here so we can check out your work. Happy writing guys, have fun, I look forward to reading what you all come up with.

Challenge Accepted !!!!! Check out the responses to this Challenge. Pass by, give a like, a comment and even a share. Show these amazing folks some love.

The Deafening Selah: Absent

Jotterizing: An unfortunate meeting with a fairy

Random_Michelle: Ghost Patrol

In Medias Res: Evasion

6 thoughts on “Photo-Fiction #5

  1. Invisibility Sucks

    This, Fucking, Sucks, those three words right there basically sum up my current situation. A piece of advice for those of you of you who ever find themselves in my predicament? If a guy walks up to you and says. I shall grant you one wish. Immediately kick him in the fucking nuts and run away screaming rape at the top of your lungs. DO NOT – like my dumb ass – try to make fun of him by wishing for some stupid thing. This is gonna be freaking sweet, it what I thought at the time believe the guy was either high or bat shit crazy. So like a dumbass said “Oh really, any wish huh. Then I wish I was invisible.” The next thing I know is that the guy is smiling from ear to ear. And I literally mean form ear to fucking ear, man that was creepy.
    I didn’t realized what had happened until I checked my watch for the time. I piercing scream that tore through my lips woke up the vagrant that was sleeping nearby. He looked over, saw the floating cloth without a body, shrugged like he’d seen weirder shit, which he probably has and then went right back to sleep. I had to strip naked and run home so that I didn’t freak anyone out. Now I’m sitting on a bench close to the place I meet the weirdo who did this to me. It’s been two weeks since that day and so far I’ve been fired, dumped almost run over and hit with more stray projectiles that I thought possible. Also I was peed on by dogs. I did however get to fuck with some people I don’t like, so a nice plus side there.
    But being invisible seriously fucking sucks.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Jotterizing

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